Brian Narelle is a cartoonist, screenwriter, teacher, animator, actor, pilot, and writer. He has written and animated for Sesame Street, is a puppeteer, and teaches cartooning to children at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, CA. He has been an animator and actor in feature films, flown missions for Angel Flight--a service that provides transportation for people in need of medical care, and written a book about a donkey he once knew. While most of his adult life has focused on the arts, Brian initially went to school to study marine biology. But after bumping into "the realities of biochemistry," he changed course. "Cartooning and screenwriting became my vehicles for uncovering and expressing the truth," he said. "I left the test tubes behind." One of Brian’s cartoons received an honorable mention in last year’s contest and appeared as a bonus cartoon in the 2008 Scientific Integrity Calendar.