Holistic lawyer, musician, meditator, and teacher
Date: January 26, 2013
Time: 2 - 4pm
Venue: San Francisco Meditation Center
Within each of us is our true essence, eternally holding for us profound peace, compassion, love, joy,healing and wisdom. Repeated focus on what brings us to stable tranquility opens the doorway to the divine, and this is accessible to all of us. Our work in the world, even something as inherently stressful as a law practice, is ripe with opportunities to surrender into peace, joy, life satisfaction, and enlightened service to others. Duane will share how he has come to experience these in his work, and offer suggestions for how you might more deeply enjoy your unique path to That.
Duane Light, J.D. is a licensed attorney, with four decades of spiritual study and practice including extensive meditation, yoga, tai chi and chi gung. During his five years in Asia he developed an ability to reach Samadhi states, which he now accesses for daily peace and joy, physical and emotional healing, and guidance for his life and for his clients and cases.
He is a "holistic" lawyer in the sense that he addresses the whole person and whole situation, counseling on emotional, psychological, spiritual, and practical aspects. For more information you can visit www.PeaceInTheLaw.com.